How To Set Google Chrome Default Search Engine To Google NCR?
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It’s not always appropriate to use localized Google Search to look for info from the Net, unless you’re searching for localized topics. My preference is to use 
 (no country redirect), i.e. Google US edition.

However, this can be a little challenging when using Google Chrome (my preference of web browser too). So, let’s see how to configure Google Chrome default search engine to Google NCR or Google of your home country.

1. Right-click on Address bar (a.k.a. omnibox) and choose “Edit search engine”

Configure Google Chrome search engine

2. Uses “Other search engines” section to add your preference. For example, type “Google NCR” in first two boxes and fill the 3rd box with this string:

To use Google UK, replace that string to be like this:
Thus, to use Google of your preference country, just update the string with localized Google Search URL.

3. Once finish editing 3rd box, press ENTER key to add this new record.

4. Hovering your mouse pointer on that new record and click “Make default” button.

Set Google Chrome default search engine to your preference.

Thereafter, the Google Chrome will use Google Search edition of your choice and not the localized edition to do googling:

Set Google Chrome search engine default to Google NCR

After knowing the trick, you may say it’s just piece of cake.


